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Thru Hikes

Thru Hikes - ThruHikes

SPECIAL ONE-DAY GREENWAY THRU HIKE EVENT! Start at Ottawa Sands and end at PJ Hoffmaster State Park! Transportation will be provided so we can walk the length of the trail segment ONE-WAY.
Thru Hikes are free or reduced cost thanks to the support of the Ottawa County Parks Foundation through a health & wellness initiative!

Registration is required.

1 Sections
Add to Cart Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Res/Non-Res Availability Column #10
Unavailable One-Day Lake MI Coastal Greenway: Ottawa Sands to PJ Hoffmaster State Park 11/09/2024 -11/09/2024 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Sa Ottawa Sands + North Ottawa Dunes 12+ Unavailable