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Astronomy Program

Astronomy Program - 01-AstronomyProgram

Join the Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association (SAAA) for an astronomy presentation in the Nature Center, followed by observatory and telescope viewing of the night sky (weather/cloud cover permitting).

FALL & WINTER SKY - This presentation will cover the major constellations available for viewing in the nighttime sky during the Autumn and Winter months, along with additional objects such as the visible planets, the Moon and other deep space objects. Possible targets of the Hemlock Astronomical Observatory will also be shared.

Registration is encouraged but not required.

1 Sections
Add to Cart Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Res/Non-Res Availability Column #10
Unavailable Fall & Winter Sky 10/12/2024 -10/12/2024 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sa Hemlock Crossing Park 12+ Unavailable