Volunteer Opportunities - VolunteerOpportunities

Service Saturday: Invasive Plant Removal at Grand Ravines North

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Activity Details

Service Saturday: Invasive Plant Removal at Grand Ravines North

Meeting Details

Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Days: Sat
Grand Ravines - North
9920 42nd Ave
Jenison, MI, 49428




Unless otherwise stated, online registration closes at 12:00 pm the day before the program. If registration is closed, please call the Nature Center to inquire about availability. 616-786-4847

Service Saturday: Invasive Plant Removal at Grand Ravines North

Volunteer with us every 3rd Saturday!

Invasive plant species are one of the leading causes of habitat loss. Volunteer with us to help protect wildlife habitats and native plant communities! We will work together to remove woody invasive species such as honeysuckle, autumn olive, and bittersweet. All equipment and training will be provided.

What to wear: Warm winter gear, appropriate for off-trail work in possibly snowy conditions
What to bring: Water bottle if desired
Where to meet: in the parking lot near the Lodge
Directions: https://bit.ly/41eP4op
Address: 9920 42nd Ave, Georgetown Twp, MI 49428
Weather policy: If constant rain or storms are forecast, this event will be canceled. In case of cancellation, all registrants will receive notice via email.

Registration is required and closes at NOON the day prior to the activity.


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